Deathless Death

Meadow Light Dreamer (Large)

in the bardo

in transition death of a form

letting go of being human

that movie is over

now is the birth of realized humanity

a new life

magically rooted into the stars

you are the awareness here

death is of the imaginary life before

the reality is dreamless

existence itself

bathed in light

empty stillness perfection

I am that


Love is yourself

love is here card 5all appearances are phenomena

wisps of light

love is here

since time immemorial

love is all there is

love is existence itself

love is yourself

expressing here

ever flourishing abundance

Serenity Soul

serenity soul

time to be divine

you already sit as that

in the cathedral of the divine

in perfection

there is no other….masters all

love is here….relaxes the quest

only the divine exists….shines the light

Random Mystic Rap with the Universe