Ever present


give your life up

you never owned

or lived a single day

you are

the ever present purity

the eternal abundance

a loving heart

simply one everywhere


in prayer

in deed

The Unreal


there’s a lesson here

life is not

about money or health

life is the external

wellspring of nature

welling up from within

the human heart

you live forever everywhere

even if existence disappears

yourself remains


love endures

give it up

the fight is over

the mind lost

nothing can be done

to save the unreal

One Minute


spreading the fabric of godness here

I am one infinite eternal presence

everywhere is within that

I am one

not a method

not a desire

the natural unfolding

your life

a witness to love

and reunion

the sacred and the profane

true love

adam and eve

the separation is over

time to complete the mission

charge up

fuel up

the cosmic christ within you

prepare for resurrection

one minute to play with

The Living Word


we are not processing illnesses here

you can shine

and clear the dead away

miasma be gone

you are alive

and shining here

right now

true knowledge is of yourself

the experience of that everyday soup

is the cosmic illusion

you can add some brilliance

stop going somewhere

sit as awareness

shine the living word

Here as One

you can experience

yourself as divinity

as every feeling accepted and loved

flowing through

every thought


with the power of creation

every arising form

one with the universe


as substance

as love

in manifestation


Art by François Boucher “Apollo Revealing his Divinity before the Shepherdess Isse”


here is love

the nature of the universe unfolding

we are united in the light


is loving here

opening the heart

realizing your infinite presence

charging the world

with luminosity


initiations into

the current level of teaching

are very strong and demanding

there are no guidelines

your preparation is your experience

the mastery of your vehicle

and the empty space

stillness is your real self

love is your power

given by god

now a little personal

your progress

through the maze is improving

closing off old programmed

circuitry and reactions

speeds up the process

the teaching begins

in earnest

nothing to say or do

it’s just like

you learn to walk

there is a struggle

to grasp the energy

and use the flow

now you embody

as yourself energetically

learning to be

Who We Are


into the mystery

can you hear

the eagle sing

infinite heart blessings

brothers and sisters

into the deepening

new you

Infinite Peace


mastering the emotions

clearing the space

unity is the expression

on your face


a moment of love

the companionship of loving wayshowers

the day of peace on earth

the consciousness of Christ

shining  forth

in every heart


the truth is

the light in your heart

your heart

awake and pounding

right now

pulsing the neighborhood

where you live and breath

right now

pumping goodness

through all time and space

if you could see yourself

brighter than a thousand suns

alive and well

shining forth

the love

that is true

Random Mystic Rap with the Universe