Cosmic Weather

creation-lightletting go of concern

what troubles?

you are the divine here

all is arising and dissolving


you are here

all is well


be here

time and space

come and go

cosmic weather



the past is not your teacher

the past is to be dissolved

reckless encounters

pure endangerment

you are new

the embodiment

Christ Maitreya

accept it all

be at peace with this world

all the arising suffering in it

fabrications of a divine mind

new   empty   and true

not a clue


your new improved model

advanced evolutionary being

at peace

beer on the table

pint of lager

the life within

awareness rules


Iamempowered (Large)the fascination with outside is over

go within

inhabit your form

stay in it

tune into the light

the flow

the perfection everywhere

there is nothing

to sort out

to repair

there is nothing to be alarmed about at all

omnipresent awareness

playgrounds of divinity

councils of light

**empowerment art by kym chi**

By Design

in the dawnrenewed over and over again

by design

every morning

every moment

you are living here

everywhere your domain

divine humans

be at peace

brothers and sisters of light


closer than thinking

closer than breathing

one  consciousness

one vast ocean

 one love tribe

The reality of yourself

I AM TRANSPARENCY bright card (Large)The reality of yourself is here


the body prefers outwardly

instinctive survival preferences

the comings and goings

fear of death

the unreality

go inside

enter your ship

ship of light

travel the universe

Here Inside

I am Truth card final (Large)be intimate with yourself

go inside

this is real presence

aligned   realized   restored   transfigured

through and through

only love

inter penetrating


alignment in heaven

your home and holy ground

here inside

Random Mystic Rap with the Universe