Supreme Reality


nothing can happen

unless the entire universe makes it happen

you could not have been born

without the sun and the earth

without the supreme reality in you

that which throws

the power and light

and love

on every experience

***  Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj  ***


Infinite Circuit


we are

the 5th dimension incarnate

the reality is love

luminous glowing form

your divinity

holy ground

where you stand right now

blessings fellow travelers

all is one

the light at rest

your rightful place

is here

Free Flowing


spontaneous upsurging

of the divine impulse

a flight of imagination let loose

soar high

become one with the infinite

 electricity without wires

free flowing


and love

humans can fly

Path of Divinity


blue screen

in this moment

self realization appears

very bright


synchronization of vehicles

right foot follows left foot

the path of divinity

opens  before you

already created

the father’s love

 cosmic park job

Random Mystic Rap with the Universe