to be clear
sit often
contemplate union
invite yourself in
to be clear
sit often
contemplate union
invite yourself in
the avatars have landed
prepare for union
the deathless death
is sweeping through
breathe easy
there are no distinctions
that tell each other apart
we are
gypsy star traders
our caravan is
full of love
we offer
upliftment and resurrection
we bring the
dead back to life
*original visionary art by Kym Chi*
this is sanctified ground here
here I stand with thee
the one
you are
in the heart
in the stars
infinite consciousness
the manifestation of love
open hearted people
now love has joined us
in communion
to express that love freely given
the substance of this here universe unfolding
this communion is holy
the union of this divinity
recognize yourself
be thankful
every creature is here
as your expression
the idea you have of a universe
this is inside you
welcome to the new millenium
a still peaceful framing of your union
with your
divine sovereign self
the awakened heart
*Chocobear image by Leanne*
you are always the avatar
speaking in tongues
the sound of love speaking
shining everywhere
as you
the personality is the other
in union that disappears
union is your purpose now
one day you wake up
the new divine human
united and invincible
as you
diamond smooth
follow with the heart
* image: Moss Altar designed by Tyler Gentry *
thank you
for this time of surrender
to consider
a return to basics
the act of prayer
so much time for that now
to sit and be yourself
ask inside
for what is truly wanted
and needed now
time to shift the desire
time to show your power
to call forth the resurrection of all forms here
your ecstatic willingness to love
is power
shine brothers and sisters
go inside
resurrect your own form
and all the forms of divinity here
gathered in this perfect time and place
restrained in a way that brings on surrender
and to realize who you are
in service
in this time and space
now we are in the time of sacred tooling
the gathering of strength
and calming of your vehicle
the rediscovery of all your innate powers
useful indeed
for the time that is upon us
is a time of great renewal
a time of great purification
and yes
the exodus of this solar system
our home
to a new birthing ground in a greater galaxy
the great returning and reunion
with the family of light
it is time to celebrate
the eternal life
as the infinite one
you will master
the mind trap
the identification of others and separation
imagining some place to go
the world is within it
the heart
the world is false
these are exciting times
merging emerging
the birthing of a new humanity
faithful to that
the loving presence
that makes it so
the resurrection
coming from within
a bursting in the heart
not a death
a reappearance of the Christ
from within you
all is well
time stops
the earth resets
welcome to the golden age
of heart expression
the awakened reality
the truth of love
for birthing behaviors
Gaia loves us all