Divine Arbitration

I love you

the separated idea

you say

separating yourself from heaven

there is only you

the divine presence

the arbitrator

between who you are

and who you are not

you are love

all is one

say that

Sky Council

let’s visit


sky council


feel our veils of sound and color



with the living light

holy sanctuary

new coding

loving kindness

***   visionary art by Vacio Cielo   ***


No Brainer

you don’t have a brain

that’s dreaming

inside out

you riding the breath

aflame and alive

you are not dead



the truth is


self-evident and available


kind and peaceful

Universal Communications Network

deep diving


the heart of existence

bliss itself


all that is

infinitely here

traveling in space

all imagination




anchored within

the Avatar in position

steady vision

rings of light

higher connections

constellations guide

Universal Communications Network

Fake News

who are you kidding

convincing at best a poor you

upset and lost

that’s the fake news

pretending to be

someone you are not

you the Star

making shine



Toxic Doubt Remover


the unity

all of it

exists within you

and everywhere is blossoming

and full of love

the fullest functioning of divinity

is breathing here

without thought

in the light of pure awareness



the approach to the deity in word and thought

the invitation of the Shekinah to activate “the divine consciousness” within the body

the use of positive energy for the benefit of humanity

the invocation of the light to provide balance and harmony between the worlds

of the myriad forms of prayer/meditation there are five general practices:

  1. hold fast to the holy way of life
  2. in your dealings honor all with the radiance of love
  3. look within and look without and see yourself as your own bridge between heaven and earth
  4. behold the palace of the universe and the myriad spheres of the organic balance of nature
  5. know that you can always rejoice in the Godhead and the myriad radiations of the living light

***   thank you J. J. Hurtak – The Keys of Enoch, page 596   ***

Random Mystic Rap with the Universe