Move On

the heart awakens

your life disappears

the universe is made of love

pouring through

dear one

the light is

stronger now

life is simple

be who you are

have no doubt about that

you are realized divinity

accept that truth

and move on

Anything can happen

this is an encrypted message

divinity is here

you are here


all space

all time

anchor in

the emptiness

the oneness

all inside of you

the universe

you call your life



is not required

to be you

you are everywhere

silent and omnipotent

anything can happen

New Worlds


there is only one solution

this apparent dilemma


this is puberty

an evolution of the form

divinity imprinting

there are no demons

bad people you claim

the suffering continues


still doubting who you are

still creating there are two

you are only sovereign as peace

this arising as one

your purpose be compassion

brothers and sisters

forgiveness is key

sets you free from the past of two

the one not forgiven

is you

through the eye of the needle

the falseness drops away

now shine as the avatar


birthing new worlds

for the living

as love


choose peace as your art

your form is resurrected

not a helpless human being

a living outpouring of love

there is clarity in rapture

all is well

each moment of your being

About Riots

Beloved, you have been growing spiritually and sometimes this evokes responses from others.

The responses may be loving and affirming, encouraging and validating. Many will choose to be inspired by your growth.

Sometimes however lower vibrational responses will arise which might be fearful, insecure, jealous or angry.

These responses arise so that they can be healed.

The healing for you is in how you choose to allow yourself to shine and not be diminished by the healing process of another.

For the other, their healing is their journey, and you have offered them a great service.

Know that you do not need to be afraid, nor do you need to hold yourself back out of fear.

Mother Fierce Kuan Yin is your guardian.

Nothing can penetrate the passionate fire of her fearless love. Your safety is assured, beloved.

In the midst of any apparent challenge or threat, no matter how frightening it may seem, and no matter how insecure you might feel about taking a step on your spiritual path into more power, know that you are safe, know that you are protected, you are loved.

*** Kuan Yin Oracle Guidebook by Alana Fairchild ***

*** Mother Fierce Card #18 ***

The Great Cosmic Plan

God’s great plan is not that the streets shall be paved in gold but that a great new Day of Creation is upon you.

An eighth and great new Super Universe is beginning to unfold.

The first phase of the Great Cosmic Plan of Alpha and Omega to retain themselves is nearing fulfillment.

The Inner Creation is completed and the the Outer Creation is all but completed.

The next phase is already beginning to commence.

Seven more Super Universes are to be completed in the preparation for a third phase, comprising the conversion of the whole remainder of the Great Even Pool of Darkness into permanent everlasting Triune Being.

The current Severn Super Universes were all created by Male halves of the Seven Master Spirit twins. The invisible Y Factor of the Only Begotten Daughter is starting to become visible and the Seven Female halves are starting to embark upon theirs.

The current outer creation of seven Super Universes was evolved through the Will of the Father and expression of the Son that the Desire of the Mother and expression of the Daughter would become known.

The seven new Super Universes will be evolved through the Desire of the Mother and expression of the Daughter that the Will of the Father and Desire of the Mother be fulfilled.

In the new creation the Holy Trinity will be known as

Mother, Only Begotten Daughter/Son and Father.

*** THE REVELATORIUM page 185 ***

The Mind Control of Two

who are these others

dangerous and in charge

the error in the mind

the thinking of two

wake up

it’s mind control

separations come to you

you are the target

there are no others

you are the Buddha


the separations are all you

you are the cosmic christ

sons and daughters of light

your purpose is to love them all

the separations

that is

free all worlds of grief loneliness and despair

the idea of more than one

the mind control of two


beloved ones

children of the father

we gather here

in the obvious of many

gathering in the unknown

weathering in the storm

you are the love

expressing here

the urge to return to love

is clear and sudden

until every story is ended



life is new

you are the avatar

that shines

all the way through

until every separation has ceased


here is to a peaceful reunion

homecoming of humanity

presence of the heart

illumined union

victory craft

the words

you live forever

be in one place

Random Mystic Rap with the Universe