Rainbow of Love

sovereign lords

in this gathering

women and men

dogs and children

the same


we reap the harvest

our shining presence

unfolds each day


the miracle of creation

and love fusion

that is us

one in physical expression


brothers and sisters of light

we have arrived

in love together

in the same place

time for celebration


Talk to Yourself

about what to do

stop thinking


drop out of time

ask within

talk to yourself

the higher wisdom

give it to god

rest in the arms of plenty

stay here

where you are

most needed


moment to moment unity

one heart in breath

playing in the mystery

all is one

Cosmic Emanations

stop primping

start emanating

your electronic impression

on the consciousness  here

original emanation code

packed with life

for a new cosmic civilization

words of self-realization

the mind retired

beyond thought

wordless communications

Sparkling Appearances

 preparation for the next expansion

absolute peace about the way it is

stick to yourself

the eye in the sky

always fresh

always new

like holidays

all you everywhere

sparkling appearances

Embedded as Divinity

the sands of time

shifting consciousness


new world

new way of being

the transformation of mankind’s heart

original light and splendor


letting go


you are

in this place


embedded as divinity


nothing happened

the infinite is you

come to the present moment

now is the power of love

awareness of that

all of this


comes and goes

day after day



much news in that

be awareness

you are




Golden One

god is infinite

the golden one is here

the love of god moves the form

speaks these words

prepares the way

working undercover

visiting all

as a pillar of light

Live in the Cloud

cluster bodies

star constellations

amalgamated and awake

identity not required

the angels take care of all matter

we live in the cloud

extra planetary citizens of space

over the top candlepower illumination

is required

Random Mystic Rap with the Universe