Peaceful and Complete

Here we are


in the blood of Christ

in the light of God

immersed in the fields of perfection

we shine as new humans

consciousness of the one presence

here now

it is peaceful and complete

as divine will reflects

as all sound and color

thankful and alive

full of life


the outward expression of love

*** visionary art by Vacio Cielo ***

Personalities Disappear


 fires of purification

personalities are about words

defending an imaginary self

you know the one

cleverly created

to deal with a childhood

and all the ignorant humans in it

that’s gone now

yet the habit lingers on

calling yourself a person

what’s your story line

world hero battling the forces of evil

super bitch in charge don’t mess with me

helping to save a world that’s perfect already

that’s over

vampire souls sucking the life out of a Christ

men and women desperately cross-creating

hoping to survive an imaginary death

okay that’s enough

the truth is

there is no one here

  when your personalities disappear

the one remains

that’s the real you

free and clear

this time is about the return of selflessness

your human personalities

like meteorites burning up

flaming down from the the sky

heaps of them

say bye bye

now you are self realized

the true work begins

Immovable Omnipotence

let go of the world

be devoted

to yourself

the one you are

the world endlessly

comes and goes

while god imagines

you in it

what you do

where you go

service to mankind

look in the mirror

say thank you

see how beautiful you really are

stay devoted to that living presence

made of light



immovable omnipotence


Realized in the Light


the light here


the light everlasting

who you are

the presence of god in every electron

a god realized being

aware in the light

 realized in the light

your full potential

one with creation


New Beginnings


enlightened reunion

christed overself

who you are

infinite presence

relaxed in it

new form manifesting

free of the past

pure matter

divine light

peace beyond understanding

purification is over

being bad is over

the void

the death

the end

the beginning

breathing as one

we trumpet

our victory song



Blossoming Sky

you are the author

of every blossoming sky


in service to love

casting shadows

as the light

the living word

your pulsating form

fulfilling the mission

the awakening of humanity’s heart

Loving Action

give it to god

what does that mean

stop thinking

let go of ideas

of a future you

in future days


your self is here

kind father what to do

believe in yourself

to you is bestowed the new kingdom here

awakened humanity

you are the keystone

the moment of conception

open heart

empty of distinctions

at peace with itself

the arising

the bountiful presence

what is needed now

breath and feet

loving action




*** sacred art by Biyaals ***

Divine Seedlings

I am that

the presence of God

always in service to that

swept away

no trace of other

planted in plain sight

divine seedlings

the time is now

the arising

no more clever one

one in mind in body

in God

the empty still expanse

that presence here

your life

all of that

before and after birth

now is the moment of expansion

the light within vivified

illuminating the landscape

all forms flourish

with renewed interest

in the divine presence within

the all

one and many


transported in love

Random Mystic Rap with the Universe