Chalice of Light


I am awake

always here

at peace

with what is

the divine seed

when it opens

transforms the body’s genetics

the divine template

shapes the spectrum

of evolution

anoints the crown

with divine wisdom


human nature


divine nature

Practical Guidance


the jewel of the infinite one eye

is open

take your position

in the heart circle

follow intuition

listen within


instinctual synthesized

wisdom of past incarnations

ask for

daily practical guidance



you are illumination

the bird song

the wet in water

you are the divine presence

here in manifestation

may your presence


all who are

near and dear


***  visionary art by Erial  ***

Love Consciousness

the door to love consciousness

is open

love consciousness

in all of its dimensions and meanings

the second coming of Christ

the reality

Christ Buddha Maitreya

is here

looking at you

in the mirror

Vibratory Fields

academies of light

prepare the vibratory fields  of the spiritual body

to acclimate the physical body and mind

for rapid changes so as not to be neutralized

by the dying thought forms of hatred

***  The Keys of Enoch. Key 113  ***

Random Mystic Rap with the Universe