
love is shared reality

self in self

the light in the heart

that’s you

shining forth the I am presence

your life time is an illusion

determined through time


now that’s a foregone conclusion

isn’t it you

that found you

give yourself a hug

thank you for sharing

The Arising

the ever presence of God

is arising

that’s you

that’s yourself

this is the love

of yourself


the arising

is all you

the divine self

in human form

Living by Grace

the goal of the mystical life

is for us to become

beholders of God in action

where we ascribe nothing to ourselves

not even good motives

we no longer have desires

we no longer have needs

because every action

seems to be meet

before we are even aware of a need

this is called living by grace

***  Living by Grace by Joel S. Goldsmith  ***

Forever One Heart

the ever-present light

be that today


remember who you are

even in the darkest moments

love is here

open your heart

every thought

every action

every deed

affects all

no separation

love the arising

it is perfectly freeing the form

a new star is born

lift off

old skeletons fall away

jet propulsion


full blown


one heart

Every Heart Beat

right here is perfect

at the heart gate

you are divine love here

you are divine will here

you are unifying intelligence here

all separation dissolves

in the luminance

field of light

the Christ light

shines through

every atom

every cell

every thought form

every heart beat

Random Mystic Rap with the Universe