True State of Union

I am illumination

that is how

you can see

the light within you

the holy divide has been rendered

and the holy is revealed

that’s you

falling into yourself

the true state of union

The Veil has Parted

command your body to be whole

this is your power

to love is to be you


life a universe within you

the senses

all the reactions

all the fires

warming the hearts of everyone here

be kind with yourself

you’re still a god in infancy

and you just

stopped claiming

not to know

what you have all seen written


sacred words

sacred intent

the light returns

Living Here

take the path of peace

love the weariness

the worry

the doubt

your creation

this is the service

the work

your love

 the creation of you

incarnating here

to love and renew


vivify and illuminate

as who you are

living here

in this place of beauty


as intention

to love yourself

and be it

Now One

the others don’t work for me anymore

not my parents

not my friends

not my lovers

not the children either

there is only the divine


that’s one

not two

when you stop inside yourself

you are the only one here



loving kindness


that’s the sign

that all is well

and this is your home now

alive as consciousness

manifesting everywhere at once

you are always here

nuff said

nuff done

now one

Future History

true relationship

one with the divine inside

every cell shinning through

right now

emanating illuminating

everywhere at once

endlessly new

and renewable too

Sharing is the New Sexy

no expectation

just giving

from the heart

sharing is the new sexy

  doming of your Christ overself

is happening


you made it

through the portal

 the cosmic threshold

the view is



at peace

*** photo and chalk art by Natania Creatress ***

Divine Union

the portal of divine union is open

you guide the manifestation

your desire has already created the day

shift your attention to who you are energetically

emanate listen tune in

feel the presence flowing through

light emanation


the divine you




your attention your will

to the emanation

directly experience

the divine energetically

as form

original light

 manifest cooperation

for the benefit of the community

consciously awake


*** photo by Natania Creatress ***

Divine Deployment

divine employment

public speaking

purity outreach


the electrons

the essence of love


re-patterning the behaviors

redistribution of wealth

and focus

to love


Random Mystic Rap with the Universe