About Riots

Beloved, you have been growing spiritually and sometimes this evokes responses from others.

The responses may be loving and affirming, encouraging and validating. Many will choose to be inspired by your growth.

Sometimes however lower vibrational responses will arise which might be fearful, insecure, jealous or angry.

These responses arise so that they can be healed.

The healing for you is in how you choose to allow yourself to shine and not be diminished by the healing process of another.

For the other, their healing is their journey, and you have offered them a great service.

Know that you do not need to be afraid, nor do you need to hold yourself back out of fear.

Mother Fierce Kuan Yin is your guardian.

Nothing can penetrate the passionate fire of her fearless love. Your safety is assured, beloved.

In the midst of any apparent challenge or threat, no matter how frightening it may seem, and no matter how insecure you might feel about taking a step on your spiritual path into more power, know that you are safe, know that you are protected, you are loved.

*** Kuan Yin Oracle Guidebook by Alana Fairchild ***

*** Mother Fierce Card #18 ***