Personalities Disappear


 fires of purification

personalities are about words

defending an imaginary self

you know the one

cleverly created

to deal with a childhood

and all the ignorant humans in it

that’s gone now

yet the habit lingers on

calling yourself a person

what’s your story line

world hero battling the forces of evil

super bitch in charge don’t mess with me

helping to save a world that’s perfect already

that’s over

vampire souls sucking the life out of a Christ

men and women desperately cross-creating

hoping to survive an imaginary death

okay that’s enough

the truth is

there is no one here

  when your personalities disappear

the one remains

that’s the real you

free and clear

this time is about the return of selflessness

your human personalities

like meteorites burning up

flaming down from the the sky

heaps of them

say bye bye

now you are self realized

the true work begins