Pyramid of Infinite Love


the heart is always



thoughtless everywhere

timeless now

infinitely forever

This will be a time when the
Pyramid of Infinite Love will call
forth the children of Light and say,
“I call thee to my abiding place
within other worlds of Light.”
This will be a time when the
luminaries will correct and repair
our vehicle of time within the
necessary magnetic circulatory
levels of ionized consciousness.
This will be the time of a
making of a new people within
new matter-energy bodies who will
reign in other fields of glory…
a new electromagnetic wavelength upon the
Earth that will change the old
magnetic forces of the body into
the magnetic harmonies of the
fifth, sixth, and seventh dimension,
so as to work with the Higher
Evolution of our local universe.

***  The Keys of Enoch by J. J. Hurtak  ***