you are no other
experience is the complete self
you are the living here
the elephant in the room
union is what you really want
the world and yourself
are one
now peace can reign
exuberantly embrace the day
now you can love
with unbridled enthusiasm
there is only union
the reality
is love
pinned in your heart
the living presence
that’s you
unmoved by circumstance
unbounded communion
the living universe of you
burning through
the fire of self love
as light form
as kindness and compassion
for all
I am the actor
in the divine play
union is my master
oneness is my goal
love is the place
union is your purpose
awake and realized
that is the goal
everyone has a heart
the heart is the same
the one of god
the living flame
inside it all
Random Mystic Rap with the Universe