Real Education


not possessed by outcomes

surprise relationship shifts

the journey


the return to love

about accepting how it is

infinitely divine imagination

lovingly at play

accept the entirety of the field


the heart view

nothing is happening

at peace with the world

your life as it is

be thankful now

for what it is

 a real education


—-  art from Lisa Renee —–

Consider This

union is not a choice you make

the event called your life


one with now

one awareness

one consciousness

one reality

one infinite

continuous divine play

One in the Light

completely let go

of knowing

what to do

it is done already

evolution appearing naturally

as you are

reflected in nature

born in time

free of time

your true nature


at once

in the light

Love is the Reality

realize this

thinking is happening


it isn’t your thinking

there is no you

that owns it

it is


the experience

every moment



I am one with you

the game here

on the field

is how we meet

to clear this up

between us

love is the reality

that is clear

not you doing it

loving you and loving me

this is one

love has you

every breath

every step

on purpose

on track

doubtless in the divine

as the divine you

alive here

open hearted


—– chalk art by Rutabaga—–

Pristine Peace

nothing is happening

pristine peace


effervescent consciousness

the reality of light


the light within all form

the awakened christ sophia