there is no further out there
beyond the mountains
beyond your vision
there is only you
a presence full of light
compassion and perfection
there is no further out there
beyond the mountains
beyond your vision
there is only you
a presence full of light
compassion and perfection
I am that
the world at your fingertips
the infinite presence
the deep state
free of desire
at peace
light of love
uncover the longing
the sweetness of being
infinite love
in every face
kind human
god’s love is here
you are that love
star being
in a celestial network alliance
you are here
to create
evolving worlds of intelligence
the truth
is you
complete as awareness
without conjecture
without naming
it is simple
you are the golden child
in the dawn of love
DNA uplift
your vehicle an instrument of light
you the lighthouse keeper
inside becomes outside
brighter than the sun
illuminated star fields
all connected
reprogramming electrics
stronger in the void of galactic transmissions
beam everywhere
full apocalypse
nature turns it on
light remains untouched
at peace with it all
your new space suit
an instrument of light
new array of cosmic kindness
coat of many colors
I am robin
get ready
to spring
into space light
to emanate
and illuminate
I am that
the now
passing through
the infinity of you
loving yourself
is admitting to what you have done
and loving yourself for that
beyond doubt
all experiences are manifestations of
that love
that sustains all
living here
love yourself and what you said
about your creation
there is a joining
a fusing
in that love again
that love is the power you are
manifesting here
in that love you are
the only one eternal light of being here
love is yourself
love is the way to yourself
love is always here
love is the divine
as you
in the infinite silence
light frequency communication
occurs through
waves of love
the real heart news network
relaying information
messages from heaven
directing you to love
the membership of the heart