
in every breath

the new appears

with every breath

your universe is created


the inside out together

the union of the one self

yourself is here

love as manifestation

the true desire to be that

in union

one as another

another as one

every breath out

your goodness

is here

the breathless presence

your dominion

Perfect Union


true love

at peace with the view

find yourself here

the heart is everywhere

never ending

love landing


the human form

manna from heaven

perfect union

one eternal presence

passing through

every breath

the sacred flow

Be Exalted

you are not the world

nor a character in it

you are the divinity

being expressed now

silly you

you forgot yourself

there for a moment

in a brilliant illusion

time to be free


be exalted

as the obviousness of light



All of this is arising

as I am

there are no others

you are releasing

all attachments

to the mind chatter

the way it is

expansion extending

through the limitation

people and things

all goes

in a flash of liberation

be devoted

pay attention

to the divine you

the infinite light of purity

shining through



– photo by Natania Rogers –

Uplift to Divine Frequency

if you found these words


our eyes have met


in this or another life

know that a sequence

has been initiated

in your DNA

the physical form

your awareness rides in

that the seed of christ consciousness

present in your heart

is awakening


the life of you

there is a birthing pain

and this is it

the burning up of all the past ignorance

the grand play and drama

of present day existence

the heart breaks open

the divine light

pours through unimpeded

as the body opens up completely

and merges in a loving universe

your true self sitting

perpetual brilliance

the energetic extension

the good, the holy and the beautiful

eternal and one


as the life you call your own


uplift to divine frequency

The Mystery of You

Dear Love Commanders

we are all God in each other

let us join commands right now

be at peace together

one command

it is always a brand new day

the everlasting eternal light sustaining your form

you are a universe with stars in it

this universe a blessing of wonder-love

the mystery of you


The Practicum Begins

this is Christ-Sophia

evolutionary ascension upgrade

old skin dropped

a new frequency in place

the language of love

to speak and think


command embodiment

new love present

clear and fresh

free to love

the practicum begins

Fateful Upliftment

here’s the good news

you are immortal

you were never born


you will never die

suffering is the work

that breaks

the heart open

you are the light of the world

the suffering is not you

only to be loved

humans are still cave dwellers

lusting after the heart of each other

some find union

the fateful upliftment

*image from Antoni Gaudí’s Sagrada Familia in Barcelona*

The Comforter

be love

be yourself

be thankful

sit in union


breathless and empty

as the good

the holy

the beautiful

the one heart of everywhere


Random Mystic Rap with the Universe