One Family

humankind is literally one family.

there is no difference between people.

human beings are a single species and fundamentally they are all the same.

the various colors do not make any difference.

races of human beings are variations of minor genetic changes that developed as human beings wandered the planet and lived under various conditions over thousands of years ….

there must be a presumed prior unity or inherent indivisibility of humankind not the domination over all others by one nation or some numbers of nations ….

humankind is in the position right now to make some very important judgments about life and about the relationships between people and about reality itself.

as a result of that judgement either there will be universal war and death or alternatively humankind will become established in a global cooperative order based on the working presumption of universal prior unity and the universal world homeland that belongs to all the human kind and indeed all of earth kind.

all have suffered.

all are equally full of nonsense.

therefore in principle there must be a new and universal politics a politics of no praise and no blame.

by these means reconciliation must be achieved cooperatively in a disposition of mutual tolerance trust and respect ….

to make much of incidental differences is merely to argue about old stories ….

*** An excerpt from the book Not Two is Peace by his Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj ***